Sunday, June 3, 2007

Wow! Time Flies...

I can't believe how life moves on so quickly and will just pass you by, if you let it. I have not written for a spell and I would like to dish out the usual excuses. However, I will spare you the pain and misery.

As summer begins, I am able to appreciate mothers who have multiple children on a whole new level. Embarking on anything with three little sidetails, proves to be a challenge. It never fails that one always has a pee or poop issue, the other a snot problem and the third a strong affinity for my breasts at all times of the day. And let's not forget the presence of three poor pets that get too little attention from me and too much attention from the little sidetails that love to play tag with the house. The dogs love to show their frustration with me by staring at me from across the yard and not coming into the house right when you have to leave. It's at that moment, I realize that it must be hell for anything that can't talk and has a tantalizing, pullable tail in our house.

Life couldn't get much more exciting or more monotonous in a home with multiple small children. There is never a dull moment but when someone asks you what's been going on or what you did that day, you just can't seem to think of anything worth telling. Who would want to hear about how your oldest sidetail compared his poop that was stuck dangling from his butt to a butterfly chrysalis? Who wants to know that the big excitement of the day was the fact that the baby sidetail held her head up for two whole minutes on her own? When I think of how many butts and noses I wipe during the day along with having to answer the constant nagging of "Mom, come look", I look at each day out of an exhausted head.

Yet for all the life that gets sucked out of you by children, they tend to provide you with new qualities that serve as your payment for being a mother. My creativity has grown leaps and bounds. It has to when you are faced with "why" questions that you can't ever reasonably answer. You learn to find laughter where others wouldn't normally look for it (such as in hanging turds). You learn to be an optimist as demonstrated when your toddler has spots from a nasty virus and instead of laying on the couch feeling miserable, they crawl on all fours pretending to be a leopard.

The lessons and qualities that children add to your life are endless, sometimes I just have to stop seeing the turds and starting seeing the chrysalis.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I love it. So true. And for the record, I love the poop/chrysalis story.