Thursday, April 26, 2007

Sidetail Pictures

I thought that it may be helpful to those who are new to the sidetail way to have some visual images as to what a sidetail may look like. The drawn pictures included here are pictures of me, the sidetail, as depicted by Bunny in 2002-2003. Note the prominent hair arrangement on both the sidetail and the bunny. The picture of me as an angry pregnant sidetail was created by myself on a particularly bad day during my first sidetail pregnancy. Through it all, Bunny has been there and we have nurtured each other as we searched for our inner sidetails. Usually, every sidetail will travel through life with a bunny. A sidetail although jolly, may move along at a slow pace and is easily distracted. The bunny usually moves through life's activities at a somewhat swifter pace and tends to have a better sex life. The sidetail and the bunny balance each other in their strengths and weaknesses. I strongly suggest that anyone who feels they even slightly resemble a sidetail to find your bunny. You may have more than one bunny, but at least one is necessary.
Long live Bunny! (Sidetail and Bunny)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got a D in art in 7th grade and committed myself to dating hundreds, even thousands of artists in an attempt to make atonement. It didn't work. I always have, and always will, suck at art. So when I ask this question it is more from a place of knowledge about a yet unmentioned Sidetail interest - intestional function, distress, and products. What exactly is on the ground behind the angry pregnant sidetail? Or have my artistic interpretational skills failed me yet again?