Friday, April 6, 2007

Many Names, Many Interests

I am called sidetail, but some call me chaps. In my mind one leads to another. In order to live the sidetail life, one must be inherently curious in many things. This may lead to either changing hobbies, careers, or life paths several times throughout the course of time. Some refer to these changes in life as "chapters". Chaps is short for chapters. I have, in my thirty-something years, opened and closed many chapters in my life. 13 different jobs/careers in 13 years, not including the times where I returned to the same job or life changing moments like marriage, moving, or the arrival of the 3 mini-sidetails. I am sure there will be many more. I have been laughed at in disbelief and laughed with in understanding. My life resume reads something like the following to help you gain some insight on my past experiences:

1993-1997: Attended College. Major: Biology Minor: Chemistry Seriously Contemplated careers in Medicine, Botany, and the Environmental Sciences. Jobs throughout this time included: Pharmacy tech (4yr), Financial Aid Office Assistant (4yr), Waldenbooks (2 months), Church Nursery Supervisor (1 yr) December, graduated and married. Moved to Kalamazoo, MI. 1998: January, Receptionist at local Car Dealership. (1 month). April, Quality Assurance Auditor for preclinical pharmaceutical studies at a contract lab
1999: February: quit contract lab and moved to large pharmaceutical research facility as a biologist (2 yrs) Began certification for teaching during this time.
2001: February: Quit job as Biologist. Continued education classes full-time. Worked as a Pharmacy Tech at a Hospital (4 months) . Began working as a contractor for previous contract lab as an auditor (3-4 months). Moved to Grand Rapids!! Several Substitute teaching jobs in fall.
2002: Student taught and did more substituting in spring. Began teaching high school full time in fall.
2003: January, became pregnant. June-August, worked as office assistant at environmental firm, went back for masters coursework. August, completed masters in education. September, delivered first son. November, returned to teaching full-time.
2004: Sold Jewelry for Silpada doing home sales (8 months) Took leave of absence from teaching (1 year). Obtained certification as Master Gardener. Became pregnant with 2nd mini-sidetail.
2005: Resigned position in teaching to stay home full time. Delivered 2nd son in May. Worked part-time tutoring for learning center (1yr). Did seasonal work for Christmas tree distributor.
2006: April, quit tutoring job. July, surprise! pregnant again. Sept, worked again as office assist. at Environmental firm part-time (7 months). Did seasonal work for Christmas trees.
2007: Gave birth to third mini-sidetail. A girl! .....currently looking for my next project.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.